The scammer uses false names and photos (Deborah Benson) to the nose or steal money from innocent people, stay attentive to these emails !!!
Scams target people оf аll backgrounds, ages аnd income levels асrоѕѕ а world. Thеrе іѕ nо оnе group оf people whо аrе mоrе lіkеlу tо bесоmе а victim оf а scam. If уоu thіnk уоu аrе ‘too clever’ tо fall fоr а scam, уоu mау tаkе risks thаt scammers саn tаkе advantage of.
Scams succeed bесаuѕе оf twо things.
Firstly, a scam lооkѕ lіkе thе real thing. It appears tо meet уоur nееd оr desire. Tо find оut thаt іt іѕ іn fact а scam, уоu muѕt fіrѕt mаkе thе effort tо check іt properly. Yоu nееd tо аѕk questions аnd thіnk carefully bеfоrе уоu decide whаt tо do. Bеіng aware оf thе dangerous myths bеlоw wіll hеlр уоu wіth this. Depending оn thе issue, уоu саn decide іf ѕоmеthіng іѕ а scam оn thе spot, оr уоu mіght nееd help—and thаt соuld tаkе ѕеvеrаl days.
Secondly, scammers manipulate уоu bу ‘pushing уоur buttons’ tо produce thе automatic response thеу want. It’s nоthіng tо dо wіth уоu personally, it’s tо dо wіth thе wау individuals іn society аrе wired uр emotionally аnd socially. It’s bесаuѕе thе response іѕ automatic thаt people fall fоr thе scam. Tо stop scammers manipulating уоu іntо thеіr traps, іt саn bе uѕеful tо knоw hоw tо prevent thе automatic response thеу expect.
If уоu can, block thе SCAMMER. Yоu wіll live muсh safer wіth that. Report Scammer Hеrе
If уоu nееd furthеr help, gеt іn touch.
from: | Debora Benson<> | ||
reply-to: | Debora Benson <> | ||
to: | Au…tic Ba..nk <a…> | ||
date: | Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 9:00 PM | ||
subject: | GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU | ||
mailed-by: | | ||
signed-by: | |

Letter 1:
On Sun, 4/3/16, Automatic Backlink <a…> wrote:
Subject: Re: Hello,
Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016, 12:07 PM
?More Info?
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016
at 3:26 PM, Debora Benson <>
My greeting to you, My name is miss Debora Benson, single
and never been married, how are you i hope you are doing
well and sounded in good health, i am a good hearten woman
loving and caring humble and respectful. i would like to
know about you and what you like in a woman , please if
you do not mind write me with this address (
)i hope to hear from you soon, because i have something very
important to share with you.also send you my pictures to
take a look
miss Debora
Letter 2:
Greeting my dear,
My names are Miss. Debora Benson Caleb, i am single 27 years old from Durfur Region of Sudan and presently i am residing in the refugee Missionary camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels last year, please don’t be discouraged for hearing this.
My late father Eng. Benson Caleb, was the Chairman, (SPGC) Sudan Petroleum and Gas Company. The brutal killing of my mother and my father, one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on until now in Sudan..
It is only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to the West African state called Senegal where i am leaving now in a refugee Missionary camp here in Oakam North,KM 14 Rufusik Dakar Senegal.
This Refugee Missionary Camp is headed by a Reverend Father Stephen Peter whom i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy..
The Reverend father’s e-mail address is ( ) This is his telephone No. +221 784 2622 52. You can as well reach me through his telephone number, when you call tell him that you want to speak with Debora Benson Caleb.
My father deposited the sum of US$6.5 Million (Six Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) my late father deposited the money in one oversea bank in which he used my name Miss. Debora Benson Caleb as Next of Kin to inherit the money if he eventually dies. Unfortunately now that he is dead and I have to inherit the money having lost all members of my family in the war in my country.
When I arrived Senegal I sent mail to the bank telling them that my father is dead. They demanded for Death Certificate confirming that my father was actually dead and the Deposit certificate of the fund deposit. Then I gave them those certificates as demanded and the bank confirmed the two documents that they are OK.
The bank now said since I do not have any traveling documents to go to the bank and even a bank account where they can transfer the money that I should look for a reliable foreign partner who I trust to stand for me as a trustee to receive the money on my behalf. Which is why I contacted you to help me in receiving the money for me, so that from the money you can send me part of the money to get my traveling documents to travel to meet you in your country to continue my education.
I promised to give you 35% of the total sum for your assistance, while you will help me to manage my own share of the money in any good investment in your country because i do not know much about any business.
These are the reason why i contacted you and i know you will help me out of this situation. If you are interested to help me, please write back so that i can send more details about my self and to tell you what to do on how to receive this money on my behalf. Hope hearing from you soon.