
FraudsWatch is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.
1797 Articles

Unfair Business Practices: Protecting Yourself from Hidden Consumer Fraud

Consumers drive the market, and ethical businesses thrive on building trust with their customers. Unfortunately, not all companies play by…

11 Min Read

Deceptive Pricing: Don’t Fall for the Fake Sale! (Consumer Fraud)

Deceptive pricing is a cunning tactic employed by some businesses to lure you into spending more than you intended. This…

8 Min Read

Deceived by Deception: How False Advertising Tricks Consumers (and What You Can Do)

Have you ever bought a product based on an advertisement, only to be disappointed when it didn't live up to…

8 Min Read

Scam Alert: Protect Yourself from Online Fraudsters

Definition of "Scam Alert" A "scam alert" is a warning designed to raise awareness about specific scams or fraudulent activity.…

5 Min Read

The Shifting Landscape of Payment Fraud: Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age

Definition: Payment and transaction fraud encompasses any deceptive or unauthorized activity designed to steal funds, goods, or personal information during a…

8 Min Read

Bank of America (BOA) Investing: Hidden Traps That Could Cost You

Uncover the potential downsides of investing with Bank of America (BOA) and learn how to protect your hard-earned money. Investing…

13 Min Read

Investor Beware: Essential Tips to Prevent Investment Fraud

Investing is a great way to secure your financial future, but it's important to be wary of the many fraudulent…

9 Min Read

Foreclosure Scams in 2024: Evolving Tactics and How to Protect Yourself

The threat of foreclosure is stressful enough for homeowners, but the existence of foreclosure scams makes the situation far worse.…

8 Min Read

Pyramid Schemes Resurface: What You Need to Know in 2024

New York, 10/02/2024 – Despite increasing awareness in recent years, pyramid schemes continue to be a pervasive threat to unsuspecting…

7 Min Read

Attorney Admits Guilt in Hiding Millions for Convicted Fraudsters

A South Carolina attorney has admitted to playing a role in concealing funds tied to a massive California-based fraud operation.…

6 Min Read

Shielding Yourself from Wire Fraud in 2024: The Fight for Financial Security

Wire fraud continues to be a plague on financial transactions, and even the most tech-savvy individuals find themselves victims. Unfortunately,…

6 Min Read

Wire Fraud: Joann Johnson Davis Was Sentenced for Exploiting Her Position for Personal Gain

From Public Servant to Schemer: Ex-Director Exploits Housing Funds for Family and Friends Greensboro, N.C. - Joann Johnson Davis, once…

3 Min Read

Cracks in the Foundation: NYCHA Scandal Exposes Rot at the Heart of Affordable Housing

70 Current And Former NYCHA Employees Charged With Bribery And Extortion Offenses The news last week of 70 current and…

6 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Johnnie Franklin Sullivan Pleads Guilty to Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Former Postal Employee Pleads Guilty To Workers’ Compensation Fraud CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Johnnie Franklin Sullivan, Sr., 73, of Mooresville, N.C.,…

4 Min Read

Whistleblower or Spy? Chenguang Gong Engineer’s Arrest Ignites Debate on National Security and Intellectual Property

San Jose, CA - The arrest of Chenguang Gong, a 57-year-old engineer, on charges of stealing classified missile tracking technology…

3 Min Read
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