
FraudsWatch is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.
1798 Articles

Leaving the White House is painful

Einstein, hey Einstein, where's the Doc, boy, huh? Doc Never mind that, never mind that now, never mind that, never…

9 Min Read

War is never pleasent

Einstein, hey Einstein, where's the Doc, boy, huh? Doc Never mind that, never mind that now, never mind that, never…

9 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Kevin C. Conklin Charges of Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud and Income Tax Evasion

Energy Company Employee Indicted on Fraud and Tax Charges PITTSBURGH – A resident of Waynesburg, Pa., has been indicted by…

3 Min Read

Healthcare Fraud: Michael A. Tucker Sentenced For Health Care Fraud Scheme

Springfield Man Sentenced for Fraud Scheme to Overcharge Medicaid, Medicare at Four Clinics KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Tammy Dickinson, United…

3 Min Read

Financial Fraud: A lender headquartered, Resolve Allegations That it Violated the False Claims Act by Originating and Underwriting Mortgage Loans Insured

Utah-Based Lender Agrees To Pay $4.25 Million To Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability Arising From FHA-Insured Mortgage Lending NEWARK,…

5 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Naum Morgovsky Arraigned For Scheme to Defraud Two Federally-Insured Banks

Portola Valley And Hillsborough Residents Charged In Bank Fraud Scheme SAN FRANCISCO – Naum Morgovsky was arraigned in federal court…

4 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Wilfred David Joseph Jobin-Reyes Sentenced For Embezzling $818,000 From SeaWorld

Seaworld Manager Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Stealing More Than $1 Million Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily W. Allen…

6 Min Read

Financial Fraud: John Blake Tinkle Guilty To Charges of Wire Fraud and Money Laundering

Tomball Business Executive Convicted in $13 Million False Invoicing Scheme HOUSTON – The owner of Tinkle Management Inc. (TMI) has…

3 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Bart Wayne Volen Sentenced for Conspiring to Launder Monetary Instruments, and Filing a False Tax Return

Man Who Defrauded United Auburn Indian Community Sentenced to 8.5 Years in Prison SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Bart Wayne Volen, 54,…

6 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Och-Ziff Capital Management Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the FCPA

OCH-Ziff Capital Management Admits To Role In Africa Bribery Conspiracies And Agrees To Pay $213 Million Criminal Fine Och-Ziff Enters…

13 Min Read

Healthcare Fraud: Vibra Healthcare LLC (Vibra) – False Claims Act by Billing Medicare


5 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Frederick Ippolito Sentenced For $548,487.00 Tax Evasion

Town Of Oyster Bay Commissioner Sentenced To 27 Months In Prison For Tax Evasion Defendant Willfully Failed to Report Over…

3 Min Read

Financial Fraud: Kara Hayden Charged In Bank Fraud and Aggravated Identity Theft

Anchorage Insurance Sales Woman Arrested on Charges of Bank Fraud and Aggravated Identity Theft Anchorage, Alaska – U.S. Attorney Karen…

3 Min Read


This is an email scam received about “ HEINEKEN PREMIUM PROJECT ” is a phishing scam and why not try to…

3 Min Read

Investment Fraud: Ivan Valdes and 4 Other Charged for Investment Fraud and Kickback Scheme

Miami-Dade County Aviation Department Division Director and Four Others Charged in $5,000,000 Fraud and Kickback Scheme The Miami-Dade County Aviation…

8 Min Read