
FraudsWatch is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.
1798 Articles

Email Scam: Mr. GEORGE COLE – Highwood Financial Services

from: MR GEORGE COLE Highwood Financial Services <> reply-to: to: Recipients <> date: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:24…

3 Min Read

Advance Fee Scheme: OCTAVIO LOMBARDO Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court

Brooklyn Man Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court In Connection With Advance Fee Scheme             Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney…

7 Min Read

Healthcare Fraud: Medical Equipment Company – Scheme to Pay Kickbacks to Doctors and Hospitals

Medical Equipment Company Will Pay $646 Million for Making Illegal Payments (Healthcare Fraud) to Doctors and Hospitals in United States…

15 Min Read

Scotland Organised Crime Report

Scotland Police identify 650 firms, big and small, as fronts for organised crime BUSINESSES ranging from local pubs to multi-million…

6 Min Read

Email Scam: Financial Investment Plans

This is an email received about “ Financial Investment Plans ” is a phishing scam and why not try to contact…

7 Min Read

FBI Announcement: Preliminary 2015 Crime Stats

Preliminary 2015 Crime Stats Released The FBI’s latest Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, which contains data from January to June…

8 Min Read

Business Email Crime: $2bn in Two Years From Scam and Fraud

"Email scam" has become a widely used form of the fraudster, who made many victims in personal or business sector.…

4 Min Read

Email Scam: Letter Of Compensation – ICPC London (Anti-Fraud Unit)

This is an email received about “ ICPC London (Anti-Fraud Unit) ” is a phishing scam and why not try to…

4 Min Read

OLAF – Allocated Million For the Fight Against Fraud

The European Commission has pledged 14.5 million euros to support Member States in fighting fraud, corruption and other illegal activities.…

3 Min Read

Email Scam: Livex International Bank

This is an email received about “ Livex International Bank ” is a phishing scam and why not try to contact these…

4 Min Read

Cross-County Insider Trading Scheme

Florida Man Admits Making Over $1.2 Million As Part Of Three Year, Cross-County Insider Trading Scheme TRENTON, N.J. - A…

6 Min Read

Laundering in Connection with Costa Rica-Based Telemarketing Fraud Scheme

Ohio Man Sentenced to 108 Months in Prison for Money Laundering in Connection with Costa Rica-Based Telemarketing Fraud Scheme  …

3 Min Read

Case Of The Stolen U.S. Treasury Checks and Identity Theft Ring

Eighteen Individuals Sentenced for Running Stolen U.S. Treasury Checks and Identity Theft Ring             Eighteen defendants have been sentenced in…

12 Min Read

Email Phishing Incident Review

Average Cost of Phishing Incident is $1.6M And GrowUp Phishing is a very well-known method for hackers to utilize social…

4 Min Read

Prevent Identity Theft: Most Common Ways

Your identity and personal information are valuable to criminals.How to Prevent Identity Theft If they get hold of details such as…

75 Min Read