
FraudsWatch is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.
1797 Articles

Email Scam Examples: BMW Lottery Department

This is an email received about “BMW LOTTERY DEPARTMENT” is a phishing scam and why not try to contact these…

9 Min Read

Scam Email: Curtis Butler

My mom was the recipient of an attempted scam - luckily she asked for my help in processing a credit…

3 Min Read

Scam Email: Max Gardner

Dear Kathleen, This is the first email from a series from this person. It is definitely a scam. Please post…

1 Min Read

Scam Email: Don Fisher

On Jul 19, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Don Fisher wrote: -- Hello, These  particular artwork of yours that you have…

2 Min Read

Scam Email: Cindy Dickson

It's when scammers make lame mistakes that most people get suspicious that the purchase is not actually for real. This…

4 Min Read

Scam Email: Steve Wood

Yup, Tom - it's a scam. Delete it and do not respond. Hi Kathleen, Its been 2 years since my…

3 Min Read

Scam Email: Greg Hembree

type="html">This was an obvious miss on the scammer's part but they could care less - they play a numbers game.…

2 Min Read

Scam Email: James Chavez

type="html">Yes, even someone who hosts a blog and Facebook page about scammers, warning people how not to fall victim, receives…

3 Min Read

Scam Email: Paul Newman

type="html">The use of a famous name like Paul Newman doesn't make this any less of a scam. Kathleen, Thank you…

3 Min Read

Scam Email: Frank Bernard

type="html">Here is the text of yet another scammer with another fake name and disposable email account:Hi Cheryl,Good to hear back…

1 Min Read

Scam Email: Carolyn Jovanni

To Kathleen or whom it may concern: I was almost caught up in this scam, until a red flag went…

6 Min Read

Scam Email: Steve Borgatti

How many years have I been doing this blog. How many personal emails have I sent for years before I…

9 Min Read

Scam Email: Luiza Kwiatkowska

Scammers are not above grabbing the names of real people online and using them for their own criminal purposes. Also…

5 Min Read

Scam Email: Thanh Nguyen

hello i wish i had come across your site earlier! ive been working on an art sale with  a "thanh…

4 Min Read

Scam Email: Adrian Hermes

Here is a scam that is so telling - sent to an "undisclosed list of recipients" (aka huge spam list)…

3 Min Read
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