Email Scam Examples: Cyber Wiretap And Funds Recovery Department FBI

I.T. system administrator sentenced for theft of proprietary information and illegal wiretapping
This is an email scam received about “ Cyber Wiretap And Funds Recovery Department, Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI ” is a phishing scam and why not try to contact these people or log onto these sites and enter your data because you risk being stolen.

Cyber Wiretap And Funds Recovery Department, Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI J. Edgar Hoover Building New Washington, D.C 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, 205350001 USA. ATTN: Sir/Madam. According to the ethics of an office, introduction is always very important= on a first contact like this. I am Mrs. Jennifer L. Moore, Special Agent i= n Charge of the Intelligence Division (FBI). This Official Memorandum is to= inform you that we discovered that some officials who work under the Unite= d States government have attempted to divert your Funds through a back-door= channel. We actually discovered this today, through our Secret Agents unde= r the Disciplinary Unit of the Intelligence Division (FBI) after we apprehe= nded a suspect. The mentioned suspect was apprehended at the Dulles International Airport e= arly this morning, as he attempted to carry the enormous cash sum of $10,50= 0,000.00 dollars outside the shores of the USA. In respect to the money lau= ndering decree of the United States, such amount of money cannot be moved i= n cash outside the United States because such an attempt is a criminal offe= nse and is punishable under the money laundering act of 1982 of the United = States of America. This decree is a globalize law applicable in most develo= ped countries in order to check-mate terrorism and money laundering. From our gathered information here in this Unit, we discovered that the sai= d Funds in question actually belong to you, but it had been purposely delay= ed because the officials in charge of your Payment are into some sort of ir= regularities which is totally against the ethics of any Payment institution= . Presently, this said Funds are under the custody of the Guaranty Bank & T= rust Texas and I can assure you that your Funds will be released to you wit= hout a hitch provided that you are sincere to us in this matter. Also, we r= equire your positive cooperation at every level because we are closely moni= toring this very transaction in order to avert the bad eggs in our society = of today. We have instructed the Executive management of Guaranty Bank & Trust Texas = to Release the said Funds to you as the certified Beneficiary in question, = because we have valuable information/records to authenticity that the said = Funds valued the sum of $10,500,000.00 dollars truly belong to you. Be that= as it may, you are required to provide us with below listed information (f= or official verification). 1. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name. 2. Age. 3. Occupation. 4. Marital Status. 5. Direct Telephone/Fax Number. 6. Residential address. We await your immediate compliance to this official obligation, so that you= can be paid by the Guaranty Bank & Trust Texas being the authorized paying= bank. Officially Sealed. Mrs. Jennifer L. Moore. Special Agent in Charge of the Intelligence Division (FBI) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------------------------------------------- De informatie verzonden met dit E-mail bericht kan vertrouwelijke informati= e bevatten en is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Gebruik van dez= e informatie door anderen dan de geadresseerde is verboden. Asito B.V. staa= t niet in voor de juiste en volledige overbrenging van de inhoud van een ve= rzonden E-mail, noch voor tijdige ontvangst daarvan, noch voor eventuele sc= hade veroorzaakt door de inhoud van deze E-mail en/of bijlage(n). Alle e-mail, aan- of van dit adres verzonden, kan op geautomatiseerde wijze= worden gecontroleerd in het kader van systeem- en netwerkbeveiliging. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------------------------------------------- Denk aan het milieu! Is het noodzakelijk dat u dit e-mailbericht print?
from:Mrs. Jennifer L. Moore <> via
to:Recipients <>
date:Feb 7, 2021, 6:06 AM
subject:ATTN: Sir/Madam.
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