FBI Email Scam

This is an email received about “ FROM THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI). Scam ” is a phishing scam and why not try to contact these people or log onto these sites and enter your data because you risk being stolen.


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FBI Email Scam
FBI Email Scam


   Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Groups J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C.

Attention: Beneficiary,

Move this email to your inbox before responding by clicking Not Spam, we sincerely apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of certified mail, post-mail, phone or face to face conversation. It’s due to the urgency and importance of the security information of our citizens. I am Agent Mark Giuliano from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs). We intercepted two consignment boxes at JFK Airport, New York.

The boxes were scanned and they contained large sums of money ($4.1 million), also some backup documents that bear your name as the Beneficiary / Receiver. Investigation was carried out on the diplomat that accompanied the boxes into the United States and he stated that he was to deliver the funds at your residence as an overdue payment owed to you by foreign country.

After cross-checking all legal documents in the boxes, we found out that your consignment was lacking an important document and we can’t release the boxes to the diplomat until the document is found, we have no other option than to confiscate your consignment.

According to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in Title 26 also contain reporting requirement on a Form 8300, Report of Cash Payment Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business, money laundering activity may violate 18 USC §1956, 18 USC 1957, 18 USC 1960, and provision of Title 31, and 26 USC 6050I of the United States Code (USC), this section will discuss only those money laundering and currency violation under the jurisdiction of IRS, your consignment lacks proof of ownership certificate from the joint team of IRS and IRC, you’re requested to reply back immediately for direction on how to procure the fund ownership certificate to avoid being charge for evading the law, which is punishable offense in the United States.

You are required to reply within 72hours or you will be prosecuted in a court of law for money laundering, you are instructed to desist from further contacts with any bank(s) or person(s) in any part of the world regarding your payment because your consignment has been confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation here in the United States.

Yours In Service,
Agent Mark Giuliano
Regional Deputy Director
Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs)

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  • This is the email I got…

    Attention Beneficiary

    This is the final warning you are going to receive from me do you get me? I
    hope you understand how many times this message has been sent to you?.

    We have warned you so many times and you have decided
    to ignore our e-mails or because you believe we have not been instructed to get
    you arrested and today if you fail to respond back to us with the payment
    details below,then we would first send a letter to the MAYOR of the city where
    you reside and direct them to close yourbank account until you have been jailed
    and all your properties will be confiscated by the FBI,CIA and other
    enforcement agency. We would also send a letter to the company/agency that you
    are working for so that they could get you fired until we are through with our
    investigations because a suspect is not suppose to be working for the
    government or any private organization.

    Your ID which we have in our database have been sent to all the crimes agencies
    in America for them to inset you in their website as an internet fraudsters and
    to warn people from having any deals with you. This would have been solved all
    this while if you had gotten the CERTIFICATE SIGNED,ENDORSED AND STAMPED as you
    where instructed in the e-mail below. This is the federal bureau of
    investigation (FBI) am writing in response to the e-mail you sent to us and am
    using this medium to inform you that there is no more time left to waste
    because you have been given a mandate. As stated earlier to have the document
    endorsed, signed and stamped without failure and you must adhere to this
    directives to avoid you blaming yourself at last when we must have arrested and
    jailed you for life and all your properties confiscated.

    You failed to comply with our directives/instruction and that was the reason
    why we didn’t hear from you, as our director has already been notified about
    you get the process completed yesterday and right now the WARRANT OF ARREST has
    been signed against you and it will be carried out in the next 48hours as
    strictly signed by the FBI director. We have investigated and found out that
    you didn’t have any idea when the fraudulent deal was committed with your
    information’s/identity and right now if you ID is placed on our website as a
    wanted person, I believe you know that it will be a shame to you and your
    entire family because after then it will be announce in all the local channels
    that you are wanted by the FBI.

    As a good Christian and a Honest man, I decided to see how i could be of help
    to you because i would not be happy to see you end up in jail and all your
    properties confiscated all because your information’s was used to carry out a
    fraudulent transactions, i called the EFCC and they directed me to a private
    attorney who could help you get the process done and he stated that he will
    endorse, sign and stamp the document at the sum of $98 usd only and i believe
    this process is cheaper for you.

    You need to do every possible thing today and tomorrow to get this process done
    because our director has called to inform me that the warrant of arrest has
    been signed against you and once it has been approved, then the arrest will be
    carried out, and from our investigations we learnt that you were the person
    that forwarded your identity to one impostor/fraudsters in benin when he had a
    deal with you about the transfer of some illegal funds into your bank account
    which is valued at the sum of $10.500,000.00 usd.

    I pleaded on your behalf so that this agency could give you till 6/08/2016 so
    that you could get this process done because i learnt that you were sent
    several e-mail without getting a response from you, Bear it in mind that this
    is the only way that i can be able to help you at this moment or you would have
    to face the law and its consequences once it has befall on you. You would make
    the payment through western union money transfer with the below details.

    CITY:. . . .COTONOU…………………………
    AMOUNT:. . . .$98.00…………………………
    QUESTION:. . . .URGENT………………………………..
    ANSWER:. . . . .TODAY………………………………..
    MTCN:. . . . . . ……………………
    SENDER ‘ s NAME:…………………….
    SENDER ‘ S ADDRESS:. . …………………………

    Send the payment details to me which are senders name and address, mtcn number,
    text question and answer used and the amount sent. Make sure that you didn’t
    hesitate making the payment down to the agency by today so that they could have
    the certificate endorsed, signed and stamped immediately without any further
    delay. After all this process has been carried out, then we would have to
    proceed to the bank for the transfer of your compensation funds which is valued
    at the sum of $10.500,000.00 usd which was suppose to have been transferred to
    you all this while.

    Note all the crimes agencies have been contacted on this regards and we shall
    trace and arrest you if you disregard this instructions. You are given a grace
    today to make the payment for the document after which your failure to do that
    will attract a maximum arrest and finally you will be appearing in court for
    act of terrorism,money laundering and drug trafficking charges, so be warned
    not to try any thing funny because you are been watched.


    James B. Comey

  • I also receive an email.This one
    Anti-Terrorist and Monitory Crimes Division.
    Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
    J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington D.C


                                    ATTENTION PLEASE.

    The Federal Bureau Of Investigation is just trying to make you understand that you most finish the process of your fund from our office here in USA to get your fund to you.

    From the information we received here in our office, you are required to go ahead and send the required amount of $250 USD which is the only hitch to the finalization of the transaction you have with us here in U.S.A. Then after Fourteen (14) working days from today , your funds will be transferred to your bank account as scheduled from our investigations. You are required to receive the sum of $7.5 Million USD once the transfer of the required fee is made by you.

    ASSURANCE : From our investigation and final conclusion here in U.S.A, your transfer is to be made within Fourteen (14) working days, or you will be arrested. Therefore, you are also required to keep us updated as soon as you receive our massage so that we can direct you on how to make the payment.

    Note that the requested transaction most finish between 14 days which is the deadline days given to you, we would have to radio your local Police Authority to inform them about this and also a fax them and a Warrant for your arrest which would be effectively made and also you would have to be charged for Money Laundry which is punishable under Article 13 of Section 109 on the US Constitutional Law.

    As have being investigated and we have assured you that you should stop any form of delay on this transaction and Contact us back immediately with (

    Thanks and hope to read from you soon.

    Mr Christopher A. Wray
    Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Note that if the requested transaction most finish within 14 days which is the deadline days given to you, we would have to radio your local Police Authority to inform them about this and also a fax them and a Warrant for your arrest which would be effectively made and also you would have to be charged for Money Laundry which is punishable under Article 13 of Section 109 on the US Constitutional Law.

    J. Edgar Hoover Building
    935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
    NW Washington, D.C.


    Tuesday, October 16, 2018 5:36 AM

    “David Lance Bowdich”

    Raw Message Printable View
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Field Intelligence Groups J. Edgar Hoover Building
    935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20535, USA

    Attention: Beneficiary,

    We sincerely apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of certified mail, post-mail, phone or face to face conversation. It’s due to the urgency and importance of the security information of our citizens. I am David Lance Bowdich the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs). We intercepted two consignment boxes at JFK Airport, New York. The boxes were scanned and they contained large sums of money ($4.1 million), also some backup documents that bear your name as the Beneficiary / Receiver. An investigation was carried out on the diplomat that accompanied the boxes into the United States and he stated that he was to deliver the funds to your residence as an overdue payment owed to you by a foreign country.

    After cross-checking all legal documents in the boxes, we found out that your consignment was lacking an important document and we can’t release the boxes to the diplomat until the document is found, we have no other option than to confiscate your consignment.

    According to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in Title 26 also contain reporting requirements on a Form 8300, Report of Cash Payment Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business, money laundering activity may violate 18 USC §1956, 18 USC 1957, 18 USC 1960, and provision of Title 31, and 26 USC 6050I of the United States Code (USC), this section will discuss only those money laundering and currency violations under the jurisdiction of IRS, your consignment lacks proof of ownership certificate from the joint team of IRS and IRC, you’re requested to reply back immediately for direction on how to procure the fund ownership certificate to avoid being charged for evading the law, which is punishable offense in the United States.

    You are required to reply within 72hours or you will be prosecuted in a court of law for money laundering, you are instructed to desist from further contact with any bank(s) or person(s) in any part of the world regarding your payment because your consignment has been confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation here in the United States.

    Yours In Service,
    David Lance Bowdich
    Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

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