Email Scam: Lawyer Scam Examples

Lawyer Scam

Examples of Email Scams About Lawyer

Lawyer Scam
Lawyer Scam

Lawyer Scam: new scams that are using the names of real companies and/or real people — of course, the companies and people are unaware that they have been used in this way. Here can see some examples of email about Low , attorney and lawyers companies.

Email Scam Examples 1:

It has been so long, I thought the Phisherpeople (gender neutral) forgot about me
I am Mr. Lachi Green i live in Japan. Please let this email serve as our response regarding your firm representing me. Find below my debtors information for a conflict check, before we can  schedule for a telephone conference.
(Local Person Here)
Shelton, WA 98584
United States
We hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
Lachi Kichi Green
Phone : 0-78-822-2144  / Fax : 0-78-822-2144



Email Scam Examples 2:
I would have loved to schedule an appointment to come over to your office for consultation but i am not currently in the states, i live in Japan while my ex spouse Brian Kennedy who is a us Citizen lives in your jurisdiction. I and my ex spouse fell in love during His UN deployment visit to Japan 1996 and got married 23rd of May, 1997, at Kumamoto Family Court. My ex spouse Brian Kennedy is a medical practitioner for the United Nations. Due to my hearing problem (Disability) it is difficult to talk to you on phone, would have loved to discuss this matter on phone, but i can read and write very well. If need be it to testify in the United States i will make myself available at that time.
Myself and my ex spouse agreed under a separation agreement incorporated, merged into and made part of the court order for a settlement of Child Support, Spouse Support and Medical Support of $918,500.00 USD he has only paid $245,600.00 January 28th, 2013 but still owing $672,900.00 and the stipulated time for the completion of payment April 17th, 2013 has long elapsed. I am also aware that your jurisdiction can enforce a foreign judgment.
I am contacting your firm due to the fact that there is already an agreement in place and a court order. For your review i have attached document you will find my ID, in PDF the Court Order and Separation Agreement. I request your firms legal service to enforce the court order compelling him to remit balance owed to me. For my review i request your attorney-client retainer agreement and if the terms are acceptable I will sign so we can commence the process as soon as possible. Immediately I receive the retainer agreement I will Sign and return to your office.
Yours Faithfully,
Mako Kennedy.

Email Scam Examples 3:
Dear Counsel,
    Thank you for your prompt response. Am currently in Japan for an assignment and Warren Dave Koch (ex-husband) lives in    Seattle, WA. Due to the time difference (+13hrs EST) it is a little bit difficult to determine the best time to call you. Following our divorce, we agreed under a negotiated settlement agreement which is incorporated, merged into and made part of the court decree for a one-time payment of $1,148,470.00USD for Family support (this includes child support, alimony and medical support). To his credit, he has paid me $214,325.00USD but still owing $934,145.00USD and the due time for completion of payment is over. Thus, I request your legal counsel and representation to enforce the final judgment thereby compelling him to remit the balance owed me. He is aware of my intention to seek legal actions. Attached is a copy of the separation agreement, and Final Judgment and I will be pleased to provide further information on this case on request. I desire to retain your law firm, please forward your firm’s retainer fee agreement so that we can proceed. Thank you and have a pleasant day.
Akemi Koch
5-2-1 MinamiSenba Dream Building,
Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan
Phone: +81 (0) 505 809-8190

Email Scam Examples 4:
We are currently facing severe pressure from our Supplier in Asia to pay up the balance funds that we owe to them.This debt is as a result of an outstanding payment of $157,500.00 for goods delivered to our customer, (local company here).
Due date for payment as stated in our Supplier’s invoice was January 27th, 2014. The goods were delivered in perfect conditions,at a location in Canada where they are currently working on a new business(as stated in the acknowledgment letter we received from them).They keep asking for more time because of their current business situation in Canada. We did extended the payment deadline before now, but they failed to come up with the payment.
This time around,we will like to draw your attention to this relationship with our customer which has been cordial and successful over the past few years,and it is in our position to maintain this relationship after collection of this outstanding sum owed to us.This is the reason i want you to start with a polite approach by issuing a simple demand letter to them and informing them that they have  two weeks deadline to come up with a payment plan.If after the deadline we do not get a swift response from them,then we will have no option but to file a lawsuit(Litigation).
Please do carry out a conflict check on our customer and also let me know about your fee structure & rates both for the demand letter and litigation phases.I look forward to a timely response from you.
Pedro Ricardo Calleja,
Managing Director,
Sm Tools S.A De C.V.
Ignacio Zaragoza No 1209,
Aguascalientes, AGS 20030,

Email Scam Examples 5:

From: Attorney Jeremy Wright Moor <>

ATTN: Fund Beneficiary!

I am Barrister to the British High Court, I am writing this email today to inform you officially that your fund file has been approved today by the Presidency Office London and we signed your information from Federal Ministry of Finance to release your fund through my Office Federal High Court London to enable you get your fund since you could not be able to get your fund through other offices due to management and I am hereby to inform you again that I am the Attorney General which applied to release your fund sum of £3.500,000 Pounds by my self to be able to get all the official documents needs from your fund.

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Note, I want to let you know that I have your information here in my office and I want you to reconfirm your full information immediately to confirm that your the rightfully beneficiary of this approval fund to enable us process your fund by issue you complete documents which will back you at any branch of law in your country to avoid any problem in your fund.

We have contact Ambassador of your country here and he signed your fund documents in the office of duly certified lawyer and your fund will be release to you once you contact us and you will not face any disappointment in this issue but you will get your fund peacefully.

Your fund sum of (£3.500, 000 Pounds) was deposited on 09/28/ 2014 by international monetary fund (IMF) and I want you to reconfirm your information below and get back to issue you official documents which will be the evidence that you will get your fund without any delay and once you contact us with below information you will be able to get your fund immediately

You’re name……………………..…..
Office Phone no……………………….…
Home phone no …………………………..

Federal ministry of finance hereby gives this irrevocable approval order with Release Code: GNC/3480/02/22 in your favor for your contract entitlement/award winning payment. Transaction ID: #8345014

Federal ministry of finance deposited your fund on 09/28/ 2014 and I have vital information about an unclaimed fund under my custody. Get back to me with your complete data if interested, as I shall provide to you all necessary claim documents of your fund which we process to you and release your payment.

Attorney Jeremy Wright Moor


Email Scam Examples 6:


Howa’s Lawyer
Please find attached the invoice as we are striving to increase our
existing factory equipment to correspond to the manufacturing of mass
produced goods and new products, as well as the construction of new
factries which will be a firm base for providing our customers with
optinum supply. All of this is done to correspond to the customers
I expect this to be a non-litigation collection from the
debtor/customer but I am prepared to litigate this matter if he is not
ready to pay the balance owed to Howa Textile Ltd. Note that this debt
is not in dispute. The present economic down turn has been cited as
the reason for delayed payment, He has continually requested for more
time, we strongly believe that the introduction of legal pressure may
initiate immediate payment.
Note:I am open to either an hourly or contingency fee basis. Please
advice which works better for you.
Akiyori Shibuya
10-4 Ajiyoshi Hakusan-cho 2-chome
Howa Textile Industry Co., Ltd

Image With Email Scam about Lawyer:

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