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Insurance Fraud: What It Is?

A Basic Overview

The insurance industry consists of more than 7,000 companies that collect over $1 trillion in premiums each year. The massive size of the industry contributes significantly to the cost of insurance fraud by providing more opportunities and bigger incentives for committing illegal activities.

Costs of Fraud

The total cost of insurance fraud (non-health insurance) is estimated to be more than $40 billion per year. That means Insurance Fraud costs the average U.S. family between $400 and $700 per year in the form of increased premiums.

Common Schemes

Insurance Fraud

Premium Diversion

Fee Churning

Asset Diversion

Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Scam SpotlightDisaster-Related Fraud: Hurricane Katrina

Massive Storm, Massive Cost

Disaster Fraud Schemes

The Government Response

Insurance Fraud Resources

For more information about Insurance Fraud or where to report it, contact the following organizations.

Fraud Bureaus

Check to see if your state sponsors a fraud bureau that investigates insurance fraud—most states do. You may even be eligible for a reward if you report a scam.

Insurance Companies

Go directly to the insurer you think is being defrauded. Some companies have systems in place for reporting fraud. If the company doesn’t have a reporting system or fraud hotline, call or write the company headquarters.

National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)

(800) 835-6422

The NICB is a non-profit organization that partners with insurance companies and law enforcement to help identify, detect, and prosecute insurance criminals. The NICB web site is an excellent source of information.

Coalition Against Insurance Fraud (CAIF)

The CAIF is a national alliance of consumer groups, public interest organizations, government agencies, and insurers dedicated to preventing insurance fraud. The CAIF website offers a wealth of information for consumers.

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

The NAIC assists state insurance regulators in serving the public interest and achieving regulatory goals. You can find numerous fraud resources on the NAIC website.

Individuals are always encouraged to report Insurance Frauds to their local FBI offices.

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