Ippei Mizuhara Sentenced to 57 Months: How Shohei Ohtani’s Trusted Interpreter Stole $17 Million in Shocking Gambling Scandal

Ippei Mizuhara, Shohei Ohtani’s former interpreter, sentenced to 57 months for stealing $17 million in a gambling scandal. Learn how he exploited trust, committed bank fraud, and filed a false tax return in this shocking case.

Ippei Mizuhara, former interpreter for Shohei Ohtani, sentenced to 57 months for stealing $17 million in a shocking gambling scandal.
  • Ippei Mizuhara, former interpreter for MLB star Shohei Ohtani, sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for stealing nearly $17 million.

Santa Ana, California – October 2024 – In a shocking case of betrayal and financial fraud, Ippei Mizuhara, the former Japanese-language interpreter for Major League Baseball (MLB) superstar Shohei Ohtani, has been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison. Mizuhara, 40, of Newport Beach, California, was found guilty of illegally transferring nearly 17millionfromOhtani’sbankaccounttopayoffhisgamblingdebtsandforsigningafalsetaxreturn.Thesentencing,handeddownbyUnitedStatesDistrictJudgeJohnW.Holcomb,alsorequiresMizuharatopay17millionfromOhtanisbankaccounttopayoffhisgamblingdebtsandforsigningafalsetaxreturn.Thesentencing,handeddownbyUnitedStatesDistrictJudgeJohnW.Holcomb,alsorequiresMizuharatopay16,975,010 in restitution to Ohtani and $1,149,400 to the IRS.

This high-profile case has sent shockwaves through the sports world, highlighting the dangers of financial exploitation and the consequences of illegal gambling. Below, we delve into the details of the case, the sentencing, and its broader implications.

The Rise and Fall of Ippei Mizuhara

Ippei Mizuhara was once a trusted confidant and interpreter for Shohei Ohtani, the two-way MLB phenom who has captivated fans worldwide. Mizuhara’s role extended beyond translation; he acted as Ohtani’s de facto manager, handling his personal and professional affairs. This position of trust allowed Mizuhara unparalleled access to Ohtani’s finances, which he ultimately exploited for personal gain.

Mizuhara’s downfall began in September 2021 when he started placing sports bets with an illegal bookmaker. As his gambling losses mounted, he found himself deeply in debt. Desperate to cover his losses, Mizuhara orchestrated an elaborate scheme to siphon funds from Ohtani’s bank account.

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The Fraudulent Scheme

Mizuhara’s scheme involved manipulating Ohtani’s bank account, which he had helped the MLB star open in March 2018. Over a period of nearly three years, Mizuhara used Ohtani’s login credentials to access the account and altered its security protocols without Ohtani’s knowledge. He changed the registered email address and phone number to his own, ensuring that all verification requests from the bank would be directed to him.

From November 2021 to March 2024, Mizuhara impersonated Ohtani on approximately 24 occasions, deceiving bank employees into authorizing wire transfers totaling nearly 17million.ThesefundswereusedtopayoffMizuhara’sgamblingdebts,financepersonalexpenses,andevenpurchase17million.ThesefundswereusedtopayoffMizuharasgamblingdebts,financepersonalexpenses,andevenpurchase325,000 worth of baseball cards for resale.

In a particularly brazen move, Mizuhara charged 60,000fordentalworktoOhtani’saccount,despiteOhtanihavingagreedtopayfortheprocedureviaaseparatebusinessaccount.Mizuharadepositedthe60,000fordentalworktoOhtanisaccount,despiteOhtanihavingagreedtopayfortheprocedureviaaseparatebusinessaccount.Mizuharadepositedthe60,000 check into his personal account, further enriching himself at Ohtani’s expense.

The Cover-Up and False Tax Return

Mizuhara went to great lengths to conceal his actions. When Ohtani’s sports agent and financial advisors requested access to the bank account, Mizuhara lied, claiming that Ohtani wanted to keep the account private. This deception allowed Mizuhara to continue his fraudulent activities undetected.

In February 2024, Mizuhara compounded his crimes by filing a false federal income tax return for the 2022 tax year. He claimed his taxable income was 136,865,knowinglyomittinganadditional136,865,knowinglyomittinganadditional4.1 million in ill-gotten gains. This false filing resulted in a tax liability of $1,149,400, plus interest and penalties.

The Sentencing and Restitution

On October 2024, Judge John W. Holcomb sentenced Mizuhara to 57 months in federal prison and ordered him to pay full restitution to Ohtani and the IRS. Acting United States Attorney Joseph T. McNally described the case as a “sad tale of an American success story gone wrong,” emphasizing the breach of trust that Mizuhara committed.

Special Agent in Charge Tyler Hatcher of IRS Criminal Investigation’s Los Angeles Field Office highlighted the broader implications of the case. “This sentencing should serve as a warning to those who neglect to report all income during tax season,” Hatcher said. “We are proud to have partnered with Homeland Security Investigations to bring closure to Mr. Ohtani and justice to Mr. Mizuhara.”

Broader Implications for Sports and Financial Security

The Mizuhara case underscores the vulnerabilities that high-profile athletes face when entrusting others with their finances. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of illegal gambling and the lengths to which individuals may go to cover their losses.

For Shohei Ohtani, the case has been a personal and financial ordeal. However, the swift action by federal authorities has ensured that justice is served. Ohtani, who now plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers, has not publicly commented on the case but is expected to focus on his career and recovery from the betrayal.

Lessons Learned

  1. The Importance of Financial Oversight: High-profile individuals must implement robust financial oversight mechanisms to prevent exploitation.
  2. The Dangers of Illegal Gambling: Mizuhara’s case highlights the devastating consequences of illegal gambling and the risks of associating with unregulated bookmakers.
  3. Tax Compliance: The case serves as a reminder of the importance of accurate tax reporting and the severe penalties for non-compliance.


The sentencing of Ippei Mizuhara marks the end of a troubling chapter for Shohei Ohtani and the MLB community. While Mizuhara’s actions have caused significant harm, the case has also shed light on critical issues of trust, financial security, and accountability. As the sports world moves forward, this case will undoubtedly serve as a cautionary tale for athletes, interpreters, and financial advisors alike.

For more updates on this story and other breaking news, stay tuned to our website.

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