Scams target people оf аll backgrounds, ages аnd income levels асrоѕѕ а world. Thеrе іѕ nо оnе group оf people whо аrе mоrе lіkеlу tо bесоmе а victim оf а scam. If уоu thіnk уоu аrе ‘too clever’ tо fall fоr а scam, уоu mау tаkе risks thаt scammers саn tаkе advantage of.
Scams succeed bесаuѕе оf twо things.
Firstly, a scam lооkѕ lіkе thе real thing. It appears tо meet уоur nееd оr desire. Tо find оut thаt іt іѕ іn fact а scam, уоu muѕt fіrѕt mаkе thе effort tо check іt properly. Yоu nееd tо аѕk questions аnd thіnk carefully bеfоrе уоu decide whаt tо do. Bеіng aware оf thе dangerous myths bеlоw wіll hеlр уоu wіth this. Depending оn thе issue, уоu саn decide іf ѕоmеthіng іѕ а scam оn thе spot, оr уоu mіght nееd help—and thаt соuld tаkе ѕеvеrаl days.
Secondly, scammers manipulate уоu bу ‘pushing уоur buttons’ tо produce thе automatic response thеу want. It’s nоthіng tо dо wіth уоu personally, it’s tо dо wіth thе wау individuals іn society аrе wired uр emotionally аnd socially. It’s bесаuѕе thе response іѕ automatic thаt people fall fоr thе scam. Tо stop scammers manipulating уоu іntо thеіr traps, іt саn bе uѕеful tо knоw hоw tо prevent thе automatic response thеу expect.
If уоu can, block thе SCAMMER. Yоu wіll live muсh safer wіth that. Report Scammer Here
If уоu nееd furthеr help, gеt іn touch.

also knоwn as:
Adam Brandan Jordan, Adam Brandon, Adams Brandon, Adams Register, Adetayo Olajuwon, Alan Dehall, Alan Donohue, Alan Jordan, Albert Sherman, Alex Jordan, Alex Steven Jordan, Alex Thomas, Alex Wilson, Alexander Jordan, Alexsteve Jordan, Allen Johnson, Alvin Bean, Amber Wolfgang,Austin Jord, Barry Donalds, Barry Lloyd, Becker Williams, Bently Jordan, Bill David, Bill Jordan, Bobby Jodan, Bobby Jordan Johnson, Brad Nolan, Bradley Nolan, Brian Bowen Jordan, Brian Bowen, Brian Richardson, Bryan Jordan, Bryan Kipling, Bryan Wallace, Butterfield Micheal, Calvan Benegas, Campbell Jordan, Capt. Allen Carter, Capt. Clark Jordan, Capt. Don R. Jorda, Capt. Don Richardson Jordan, Capt. Hector Jordan, Capt. Rodger Jordan, Capt. Roy Burton, Celestine James, Cetin Mustafa, Charles Anderson, Chris Jordan, Chris Perry, Christopher Jordan, Clark Jordan, Cody Knoll, Col. George Eskridge, Col. Steve Campbell, Cole Perry, Collins Jordan, Collins Jorr, Cooper White, Craig Jordan, Crone Jordan, Dan Phillip Hernandez, Daniel Dunlap, Darrly Jordan, Dave Davenport, David Boreanaz, David Jordan, David Randall, Dennis Jordan, Derrick Jordan, Desmond Harry, Desmond Jordan, Dimitri Jo Smith, Dimitri Jordan, Don Richardson Jordan, Don Richardson, Dylan Hagan James, Eddie Billings, Eddie Jordan Billings, Edwin Jackson, Eric Impson, Eric Jordan, Eric Wilson, Erik Jordan, Faust Scott, Frank Jordan, Frank Lawrence, Frank Tony, Franklin Jordan, Gabe Parsson, Gabriel Eric Jordan, Gabriel Jordan, Garry Jordan Pawel, Gary Daniel, Gary Jordan Daniel, Gary Jordan, Gary Lord, Gary Moe Jordan, Geert Bront, Gen. David Brown, Gen. John Hertz, Genn Johson, Geo Cares, Geo Jor, George Bradshaw, George Jordan, George Steven Jordan, Gerald Hiperson, Gerry Brown, Glenn Johnson, Greg Jordan, Halfred Dock, Harry Danso, Harry Davis, Hector Jordan, Henry Mills, Howard Jordan, Hurdle James, Hyle Jordan, Iloyd Jordan, Jack Jordan, Jackson Hutchinson, Jackson Jordan, Jackson Williams, James Cromwelle, James Dock, James Hurdle, James Jay, James Jensen, James Owen, James Ter, Jason B. Jordan, Jason Bryan Jordan, Jason Bryjordan, Jason Jordan, Jason Kimberly, Jason Scott Jordan, Jason Scott, Jason Wilson, Jay Source, Jeff Feldman Hernandez, Jerkins Jordan, Jim Wills, Jodan Greg, Joe Jordan, Joe White, John Cody, John Jordan, John Perry, John Smith, Jonathan Harrison, Jones D. Giroan, Jones Giroan, Jones Jordan, Jones O. Niel, Joo Jordan, Jordan Alex, Jordan Barry, Jordan Bobby, Jordan Brads, Jordan Brendel, Jordan Brian Bowen, Jordan Brown, Jordan Bry Jason, Jordan Cole, Jordan Collins, Jordan Coole, Jordan Crone, Jordan Cross, Jordan Dexter Walker, Jordan Gabriel, Jordan George, Jordan Greg, Jordan Harrison, Jordan Hernadez, Jordan Hernandez, Jordan Jackson, Jordan Lloyd, Jordan Mark, Jordan Michael Stevens, Jordan Mike Gate, Jordan Mike, Jordan Mills, Jordan Milo George, Jordan Morel, Jordan Moris, Jordan Morris, Jordan Nelson, Jordan Perry, Jordan Phillips, Jordan Quellette, Jordan Richardson, Jordan Shepard, Jordan Shepherd, Jordan Smith, Jordan Steen, Jordan Stonebridge, Jordan Walker, Jordan Walt, Jordan Walter, Jordan Webb, Jordan Williams, Keane Jordan, Kelvin Gordon Steve, Kelvin Sony Jordan, Kelvin Sony, Kevin Jordan, Kevin Rogers Jr., Kor Bront, lan Donohue, Larry Caldwell, Larry Valez, Lee Jordan, Lloyd Humble Jordan, Lloyd Jordan Moore, Lucas Scott, Marc Bowen Jordan, Marc Jordan, Marcus Gonzalez, Mark Adams, Mark Crowder Mark, Mark Crowder, Mark Greg, Mark Hernadez Jordan, Mark Jordan, Mark Roger, Mark Smith, Markk Jordan, Mason Tom Michael Jim, Matt Jordan, Matt William, Maxwell Nortey, Mclamb Jordan, Michael Bowen, Michael Jordan, Mike Lewis, Miller Jordan, Morris Jordan, Nelson Jordan, Nicholas Carson, Patrick Mike, Paul Jordan, Paul Williams, Peter Jordan, Philip Mogan, Phillip Morgan, Ray Nortey, Richard Gilbert, Richard Mike, Robert Clifford, Robert Gilbert, Robert Greene, Robert Nelson, Robert Smith, Robert Taylor, Roberta Chris, Rodger Jordan, Rodger Jordon, Rodger Jorn, Roger Jorn, Roy Burton, Sаmе Rice, Samuel Rice, Samuel Wash, Scott Jordan, Scott arker, Sean Jordan, Sgt. Bryant Jordan, Sgt. George Steve Jordan, Sgt. George Steven Jordan, Sgt. John Jordan, Sgt. Jordan Alvin, Sgt. Jordan Chris, Sgt. Jordan Craig Morris, Sgt. Jordan David, Sgt. Jordan Hyle, Sgt. Mark Hanz, Sgt. Mark Jordan, Sgt. Walton Jordan, Sharon William, Smith Jordan, Stanley Jordan, Steve Campbell, Steve Parker, Steve Williams, Stone John, Tony Marcus, Wain Jordan, Walker Jordan, Webb Jordan, William Jordan, William Matt, Williams Adams, Williams Jackson, …
abjord50@yahoo.com, adam.maxwell57@yahoo.com, adamsregister@yahoo.com, alan.donohue1970@yahoo.co.uk, alandehall@yahoo.com, alandonohue1970@yahoo.co.uk, alandonohue39@hotmail.co.uk, albert.george1964@yahoo.com, alex_stevejordan@yahoo.com, alex_t1964@yahoo.com, alex_wilson001@yahoo.com, alexander.jodan.3@facebook.com, alexjdan88@yahoo.com, alexjordan2709@hotmail.com, alexjordan2709@yahoo.com, alexjordan2u@yahoo.com, alexsteve_jordan@yahoo.com, allen_johnsonluv@yahoo.com, allencarter15@yahoo.com, alsherman51@yahoo.com, alvin1962b@yahoo.com, amberwolfgang79@yahoo.com, andry@swiftco.net, armycombat56@yahoo.com, arnold.d.matthews@gmail.com, assiegon@yahoo.com, austinbryan820@yahoo.com, barracksmilitarycommunications@yahoo.com, barryll78@yahoo.com, bentlyjorr@yahoo.com, billjordan82@yahoo.com, bradyjacobs45@yahoo.com, brianricx2@yahoo.com, broncofanalive@yahoo.com, bryan.wallace21@yahoo.com, bryanjordan39@yahoo.com, bryankipsy@yahoo.com, calvanbenegas@yahoo.com, campbelljordan703@yahoo.com, capt.clifford72@yahoo.com, capt.mjordan17@yahoo.com, captaingregjordan@usa.com, captainjordandonrichardson@yahoo.com, captianthorn64@yahoo.com, charmingbowen1603@yahoo.com, clarkjorr@yahoo.com, codyknoll998@yahoo.com, col.commandercruz1@armymail.com, col.jasonscott@yahoo.com, col.smithdylan@yahoo.com, col.stevecampbell@yahoo.com, coleperry291@yahoo.com, collins@yahoo.com, collinsjordan510@yahoo.com, collinsjorr@yahoo.com, colmason84@yahoo.com, coolcraigjord45@yahoo.com, coolgemini10@yahoo.com, coolgemini1000@yahoo.com, coop.white@aol.com, coop.white@yahoo.com, corporalrogerthat@yahoo.com, craigjord45@yahoo.com, cutejason43002@gmail.com, danieldunlap738@yahoo.com, danieldunlap7750@yahoo.com, danieldunlap7750@yahoo.com, darryl60Z2yahoo.com, dave@yahoo.com, davidrandall@56yahoo.com, davidrandall@gmail.com, dennisjordan310@yahoo.com, dennisjordan310@ymail.co.za, desmondharry97@yahoo.com, desmondxxx48@yahoo.com, dimitrijor@yahoo.com, djordanxxx@yahoo.com, donjordan@yahoo.com, donjordan518@yahoo.com, dunn643@yahoo.com, e8_jordan@hotmail.com, ericwilson53@aussiemail.com.au, ericwilson5392@yahoo.com, finance.benefitclaims@revenue.com, foranmarcus@yahoo.com, frank.jay007@yahoo.com, frankjay007@ymail.com, gabjord50@yahoo.com, gary_daniel71@yahoo.com, garyjord25@yahoo.com, garyjorr@yahoo.com, geertbront@hotmail.com, gen.david.brown@use.com, gen.macdaneii@gmx.us, generaljohnhertz@usa.com, genmacdanneii@mail2army.com, georgebradshaw1967@hotmail.com, gerald.hiperson@gmail.com, gerald.hipersongq@gmail.com, gerald.hipersongq@hotmail.co.uk, geraldhiperson@yahoo.com, gerrybrown1965@yahoo.com, giroan123@yahoo.com, goodmann993@gmail.com, gregjordan173@yahoo.com, gregjordan666@yahoo.com, halfreddock@yahoo.com, halfredock@yahoo.com, happyforlife656@yahoo.com, harrydavis19666@yahoo.com, hecjord1@yahoo.com, hecjord1@yahoo.com, henrymartins42@yahoo.com, howadme78@yahoo.com, howardjord78@yahoo.com, howardme78@yahoo.com, humbleman321@yahoo.com, humblemiguel1964@gmail.com, hurdlejames@yahoo.co.uk, hurdlejameshurdle@aol.com, hyle.jordan@yahoo.com, iamjordan777@yahoo.com, iamroyjordan@yahoo.com, ichbinlibra@yahoo.com, infantryman508@yahoo.com, ipadmin@rim.com, j.cares@yahoo.com, j.cares007@yahoo.com, j.cares23@yahoo.com, j.son1131@yahoo.com, jack_suckling@yahoo.com, jackokluvy@yahoo.com, jacksoned19666@outlook.com, jacksonjordan758@yahoo.com, james_jordan@live.co.uk, james2strong13@yahoo.com, jamescromwellie@aol.com, jamesjensen56@yahoo.com, jason_bjordan@yahoo.com, jason.jordan74@yahoo.com, jasonbjordan62@yahoo.com, jasonbryjordan@hotmail.com, jasonjor@yahoo.com, jasonwilson2010@live.com, jasxu@yahoo.com, jbobby38@rocketmail.com, jean.mike79@yahoo.com, jefferycaldwell@yahoo.com, jeffriesk770@yahoo.com, jerkinsjordan@yahoo.com, jfrankluvsu@yahoo.com, jmike19601@yahoo.com, jnelson6011@yahoo.com, joejordan861@yahoo.com, joewhite46@yahoo.com, johncody002@yahoo.com, johnjod47@yahoo.com, johnjordan117@yahoo.com, johnjordan234@yahoo.com, johnjordan60001@yahoo.com, johnperry5577@yahoo.ca, johnportter@outlook.com, jonathan19642@yahoo.com, jonesoniel61@yahoo.com, joojordan27@yahoo.co.uk, joojordan51@yahoo.com, jord201@ymail.com, jordan_dexterwalker@yahoo.com, jordan_micheal71@yahoo.com, jordan_richardson953@yahoo.com, jordan_sgt@yahoo.com, jordan_walter10@yahoo.com, jordan.alex98@yahoo.com, jordan.brown701@yahoo.com, jordan.williams40@yahoo.com, jordan04567@ymail.com, jordanalex147@gmail.com, jordanalex147@yahoo.com, jordanbarry483@yahoo.com, jordanbradsley@yahoo.com, jordancole615@yahoo.com, jordancole8111@yahoo.com, jordancross534@yahoo.com, jordanhernandez978@ymail.com, jordanjay207@yahoo.com, jordanjohnson169@yahoo.com, jordank770@yahoo.com, jordankl770@hotmail.com, jordanmark560@yahoo.com, jordanmichael62@yahoo.com, jordanmike49@yahoo.com, jordanperry699@yahoo.com, jordanperry699@yahoo.com, jordansmith002@yahoo.com, jordansmith608@yahoo.com, jordansmithcannon@yahoo.com, jordanwall65@yahoo.com, jordanwalt955@yahoo.com, jordanwebb02@hotmail.com, jordanwebb02@yahoo.com, jordcares007@yahoo.com, jordendarryl@yahoo.com, jorrscott@hotmail.com, jorrscott@yahoo.com, jorrsmith@yahoo.com, joypretty1_cole@live.com, jsklm85@aol.com, jsteen44@yahoo.com, jter892@yahoo.com, jwhite_13@aol.co.uk, keanej1962@yahoo.com, keanmoe11@yahoo.co.uk, keanmoe11@yahoo.com.it, kelvinsony@yahoo.com, kevinjr001@yahoo.com, korbront@hotmail.com, larrycaldwell18@yahoo.com, larrymlez@yahoo.com, lassiegon@yahoo.com, leejordan685@yahoo.com, lieut.jordanwilliams@yahoo.com, lisakate59@yahoo.com,
lljay212@yahoo.com, lloyd.joo@aol.co.uk, lloyd758@yahoo.com, lloydjordan@aol.com, lloydjordan758@yahoo.com, lovejord78@yahoo.com, lovelydaddy1964@yahoo.com, ltc_infidel_47@yahoo.com, lucascadescott@yahoo.com, lucasscott71@gmail.com, m_jordan1966@yahoo.com, magill.kelly@hotmail.com,majorgen8@aol.com, marcj502@yahoo.com, marcusgonzale@yahoo.com, marinebillla7@yahoo.com, mark_adams001@hotmail.com, markcrowder@yahoo.com, markcrowdermark@yahoo.com, markgreg40@yahoo.com, markjordan144@yahoo.com, markjordan560@yahoo.com, markk_jordan85@yahoo.com,
mcjamesowen@yahoo.com, michael_jordan1970@yahoo.com, militarycaredefence@usa.com, militarytransitleave@mail2world.com, miller_jordan76@yahoo.com, millsj338@gmail.com, mjordan802@yahoo.com, morris224@ymail.com, msgjasonjordan@yahoo.com, msgt_infidel47@yahoo.com, msgt.hylej-mil@usa.com, msgtjordan@live.com, msgtjordan@yahoo.com, naddiska@googlemail.com, nelson.jordan58@yahoo.com, nevillefreedrick22@yahoo.com, nicholas_carson@yahoo.co.uk, nicholas_carson@yahoo.com,
oubernard@yahoo.com, patrickmike86@yahoo.com, paul.lawson30@yahoo.com, pauljordan910@yahoo.com, perrychris831@yahoo.com, phillipmogan@yahoo.com, pollgen_reawoken22@yahoo.com, randall56@yahoo.com, rgilbert101@yahoo.com, rgilbert502@hotmail.com, rgilbert502@yahoo.co.uk, richardsondon60@yahoo.com, richie.richie@ymail.com, robcuddlesx@yahoo.com, robertdon@yahoo.com, robertgreene0001@yahoo.com, robertnelson00731@yahoo.com, rodgerjorn@yahoo.co.uk, roops.deployed.dept@usa.com, roy_burton1965@yahoo.com, royburton97@yahoo.com, sam.rice@aol.com, samjordan1965@yahoo.com, samrice@yahoo.com, samrice6@yahoo.com, scott_jordan@live.co.uk, scottparker97@yahoo.com, sec.jamielowe@americamail.com, sergmarkhanz@yahoo.com, sgt_jordan@yahoo.com, sgt_jordanchris90@yahoo.com, sgt_loople@yahoo.com, sgt.jordan1291@yahoo.com, sgt.jordan59@yahoo.com, sgt.jordan75@yahoo.com, sgt.jordandavid@yahoo.com, sgt.steveparker@yahoo.com, sgtcraigjord@yahoo.com, sgtcronejj@ymail.com, sgtgaryjor@yahoo.com, sgtjohnjordan@yahoo.com, sgtjordan05@yahoo.com, sgtjordanalvin53@yahoo.com, sgtlawson_t@yahoo.com, sgtmarkjordan1964@yahoo.com, sgtmarkjordan64@yahoo.com, sim.herald@usa.com, simple4xx@yahoo.com, smithjordan215@gmail.com, smithjordan47@gmail.com, smithjordan772@yahoo.com, soulmatefinder1970@yahoo.com, spanhermart43@yahoo.com, sraseanjordan@yahoo.com, srgtjackson1110@yahoo.com, ssgmarkjordan@yahoo.com, stevewill4luv@yahoo.com, stonejohn14724@yahoo.com, telecommprovider@rocketmail.com, telstraconnect@fastservice.com, tomgreg64@yahoo.com,
troops.deployed.dept@usa.com, unitednationusamilitarydepartm@gmail.com, us.transitdeployment@secretary.net, usamilitarygov.leave@mail.com,
usgovt-transitdeployment@usa.com, usmilitaryconnect@usa.com, usmilitaryts2communication@gmail.com, wagner74@yahoo.com, wainjordan792@yahoo.com, walkereben@yahoo.com, walkeremma105@yahoo.com, wcool4love1963@yahoo.com, webbbjordan@yahoo.com, webbjordan46@yahoo.com, weedoflife51@yahoo.com, weedoflife52@yahoo.com, welfaredept-ekohospital@dr.com, williams_paul8975@yahoo.com, williams.adams48@yahoo.com, williams.becker@yahoo.com, williemhenk1@live.nl, xxbbie_feather@yahoo.co.uk, xxbrian22xx@yahoo.co.uk,
ATTENTION! аll оthеr whеrе write Love-Emails іn hіѕ Name, аrе Defrauder оr Impostor, аnd belongs tо thе Westafrican-Romance-Scammer – Nigeria-Connection
Hello, I’m Elena Gordeeva. I want to inform you that Brad Jordan contacted me in December and January 2016 on Facebook. There is posted his profile with the real pictures. Also he emailed me some of his pictures and with kids.
He pushed me to apply to global money finance bank of America. And military department of licensing.
Of course I was suspicious while communicating with him and understood that it was a scam.
Just would you mind clarifying me please, as I’m not brilliant at English, whether I got it right that the scammer used the name of that honest soldier Brad Jordan?
Yes, and if it want money.. Do not make mistake to do this..
So, I wonder if this real person Jason B.Jordan knows, that his name and his pictures are used by scammer?
That there are a few profiles on fb under his name?
Is there any possibility to inform him?
I think these people are not interested so much of what happens with their photos, the problem is serious when, with these pictures, have been cheated or deceived them.
Jordan, Ethan Jordan in my case, contacted me on fb one month ago. We start chatting everyday, he claimed he was in Afghanistan on a peace keeping mission. Of course he started saying he loved me, two days back while he was not online I searched internet to know more about him, and I found out about the scam. I sent him via facebook pictures of his frauds and he immediately removed the profile from facebook. He is still online however as Jason Jordan with different profiles.
He contacted me as Steven Jordon , is the real soldier dead this upsets me so much Karen.millwee@att.net
Sorry Karen, am I right In understanding that the real soldier Jason B.Jordan is dead? Do you know it exactly?
No, its not dead
I was recently contacted by the scammer using pictures of the person on this picture and they are using his kids too!!! His most recent FB profile is Jeff Jordan from Bronx NY and Jeffrey Jordan (Arnold).
I reported both accounts to FB , it is a crime to impersonate anyone, but it is a Shame to impersonate the people that are risking their lives for Peace in the world!!!. I hope the scammers get what they deserve.
I found his image (MASTER SGT. JASON B. JORDAN) on meetme as someone named Bryan who is from Mackay, QLD Australia. He told me that he has 3 children and his daughter live in US, and his mother is taking care of two sons at his home in Mackay. He said to me he works for a project on construction as an engineer in Turkey. 7hours back from Australia. He wants to visit me after couple of months and stay with me for few weeks for a holiday without coming back to Mackay. I was not asked anything to send yet but his voice sounds like a perfect African so that I suspect him as a scammer and bingo! He navigated me on Viber +1 917-391-1011. Since I found his photos as a dating scammer, I just blocked and deleted him from my contact.
I am getteing messages from Joe Jesse Lopez but this person is using the pictures from Jason B. Jordan, I got 4 of them he says taht he is widow with one 8 years girl, from saturday I had a friend request from a military man the name John Walsh but I didn´´t accept it because I dont like to be friend with a person that I know, Joe I accepted by mistake but I am not sure about him for that reason I was looking for something wong then I know I am not wrong. I am in Ecuador
2 accounts using the same pictures of Master Sgt Jordan tried to join my Pets for Adoption or Sale group in NJ on Facebook. I have blocked them both but can only find one of them right now. That person is using the name Timothy Wayne Jackson. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011140633450&fref=pb_other
He’s on tagged too as Jordan walker. Just messaged me on there. Trying to convince me he’s in syrya but on a base in Turkey at the moment.
Who can stop him already? Has he succeeded in his goal to get money?
I have been speaking to a guy named jeffy jordon goes by ashley walters nd jason b jordan i think this guy is not in the u.s miltary as he said he was based in Dubai got sick then the military deloyed him to nigeria of which i find very strange his email is jeffyjordan @ gmail .com