Romance Scammer – Corin Riggs

Corin Riggs
Corin Riggs

Dating Scammer – Corin Riggs


From : Miss. Jane Ferguson
Country : North Africa, Libya
From: geraldine bempong []
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 2015 at 9:21 AM

Pictures stolen from Playboy model Corin Riggs


Corin Riggs Video Slideshow



Corin Riggs
Corin Riggs

Leter 1 :


Geraldine is back with new photos. She/he is from Australia and is currently a student in Ghana. What a great looker. She has promised her undying love to me no matter what. Sounds familar?

Hello mmm
Good Morning to you ?How are u doing today i hope this mail finds you in the best good of health.well darling i am also doing great.Just that i have been thinking about you ever since that we met each other you have been on my mind.mmm i am so much blessed to have you in my life and you always put a smile on my face.i am very happy that you introduce me are such a wonderful man and i hope this is going to develop into something better in future..

Sweetheart mmm i am going to treat you with the kind of love that you never expect.i am going to treat you like a king.Because you are my first man and i am going to handle you with all my soul,body and love..i am not going to let you go away..mmm i am not here to complicate your life or break your heart..But i am here to blighting your day and bring happiness to you life..mmm i am very happy that i have your number and i hope we are going to communicate with each other on the phone too..
Thank you so much mmm



 Leter 2: /

i am a hard working lady and i have no kids and never married,I am corin riggs by name 28year old female single no kids, ‘height,5′ 4” (167cm)’ weight,140lbs(140kg’. black hair. Am single and seriously Looking for the Real Honest man, Humble,Passionate, Understanding, Loving, Faithfull, Caring, Good heart, Romance, to be with Him for the Rest of my Life . i like listen to soft music and i also like dancing playing video game and also like to chat lol, i like hanging out with friends my favorite food is pizza, are u intrested in me?

Sent me this junk:

Hello dear ,i saw your profile and i developed and interest in you,my name is gilbert, i am a single man and i need a woman for serious relationship or marriage, please if you are interested in my proposal,i want you send your reply direct to my private email address ( will be very easy for us to communicate through email. i will send my photos to you and tell you more details about me whenever i receive your respond in my mailbox.thank you and i wait for your positive answer. (

And has a male Yahoo avatar.


Photo from Corin Riggs Use by Scammer

Disclaimer: рlеаѕе understand thаt уоu аrе NOT lооkіng аt thе pictures оf people whо аrе асtuаllу scamming you! Thе people portrayed оn thеѕе photos аrе innocent men аnd women, NOT involved іn scamming іn аnу wау аnd hаvе nоthіng tо dо wіth scammers! Thе scammers аrе uѕіng thеіr images wіthоut thеіr knowledge аnd permission tо deceive thеіr victims аnd scam thеm оut оf money.


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FraudsWatch is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.


  1. I have been scammed for 8 months by a girl who has been coming to me, but went to jail for smuggling gold. Then I bailed her out trying to get her here. It all cost about $50000 to date. Now and airline tried to call me but it was from her mothers phone number
    233546638711 and the girl Regina was using 233243686407. she was suppose to be in Sth Africa now but has been using her Ghana number in Sth Africa. has had fake immigration officers and peopel helping her out. Very convincing story, but to date havent managed to get her here and finds tonight that KLM p hone number came from this girls mothers phone

    • Have you tried putting your question: Now if it is not near you, lest try to steal your money? Think: If you can not have contact with her, you can not even criminalize it, nor to find ..

    • Buddy I have had over 50 women from Ghana all kinds even corin riggs I have been talking to for a long time . I went to a site not even a dating site every girl there starts talking they from here then ask wete they now wouldn’t ya know it ghana there one for the last year I been talking to I have those same numbers I think I’ll look them up . But all on this Internet is all money scams I was a fool hate to say lost right much money and even set at a airport 2 hours waiting for one . Even now have local girls here have new scam I be warning all soon as I figure how to put all on the Internet

  2. I made calls and receive Skype video calls from a girl in Ghana. She sent photos to the beginning of the relationship but later discovered that these pictures were of Corin Riggs. I made some screenshots of the video calls but if not Corin Riggs then who is this girl ?.
    I want to send the pictures to you to help me investigate this matter

    • I’m dealing with corin Riggs look a like right now. Have pix and chat . chatting at Google hangouts . her name she is using
      Deloris Asiamah right now. Been chatting for over a month.but knew she was a fraud from the first week but em playing along she sent me pizza from Dominos twice for my little boy I called her out when she ask me to lend her $400.00 so she could ship her stuff back.long story short even if I wanted to send her money I can’t I’m on a low budget. Then she asked for $200.00. Told her same thing. She got distant very few messages then I say I have something I’m sending her. Without telling me two pizza’s and two soda and a bunch of sides come to my door. She paid with credit card. Deloris walis was the credit card owner. Somebody paid $57.00 for my dinner. sweet !
      Soo the tables have turned a little. I’m going to ke3p her on the string for the $200.00 I’m not going to send her. Also maybe I can go to Dominos and with local police help find out who own’s the credit card…, I will keep you all posted. If there is any way to get photos and text on here please contact me ASAP and I will turn over all info I have. Her skout profile is still up on that site be smart people. Your not going to land. Any young girl on the net. But if there from Ghana you have a winner !

      • Russell. My name is Santos. I do believe we have the same little problem. If you send me one of her pictures. I will send you one of I have and we can compare notes.

  3. I’ve been scammed by someone claming to be Sarah Bright. She uses pictures of Corin Riggs as herself. She claimes she’s from Germany. She wanted to buy a dress from, a designer in Ghana and wants iTunes prepaid cards.

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