Scam Email: Rebecca Wallace

Rebecca Wallace

Hi Kathleen, I was wondering if you might have heard of this person Rebecca Wallace from Guernsey UK.
At first I thought it was a legitimate purchase inquiry… but now I  think not.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks, Matthew

I think it’s GREAT that you are putting in the effort to help your fellow artists!

Here are the emails (from latest to first):

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from Rebecca Wallace:

Thank you so much for the urgent information provided I want you to
get them ready for shipment and get shipping quote ASAP
On the shipping one will have to pay additional fees at the delivery
point here, because they will never bring to ones house, Courier like
FedEx, UPS and DHL are not worth it here especially USPS probably
because they already known very well.
I want you can contact this shipping company:
contact address:

They will need dimension for the package weight and Value of the
artwork for the shipping and insurance Quote to my billing address,
they offer door to door shipment and deliver safely without paying
any extra money before collecting the goods unlike some other courier
where it will not be delivered to your address and you will still
have to go to their office to pick it up and you will be told to pay
other money like custom duties before collecting it really sick of them.
I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon so that you can
have credit card information to charge for the total payment without
any further delay.

234 Rue Du Fort Sark
Postcode:GY10 1SF
United Kingdom

—- On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:57:56 -0700 Matthew wrote

Hi Rebecca,
The prices for these 3 framed paintings are:
[names, prices]

It looks like shipping would be $200 for all three
Total Art $5,100 plus $200 ship is $5,300 and could ship within the
next couple of days.

Getting the three paintings I could give you a 15% discount bringing
the total including shipping  $4,500 usd

I use PayPal for online payments which you can use your credit card
( you don’t need a PayPal account)

You can use this page for payment

Let me know how this sounds and we can go from there!

A note on these 3 paintings, they were all done plein-air on location
with my wife and family present and they all hold a special place in
my life and heart.

I hope sometime to come to Guernsey with my family to paint and enjoy
the fresh breeze!

All the best, sincerely,


On Jul 21, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Rebecca_wallace1960 wrote:

How are you doing today and family?and great to hear from you,
Below are the artworks that interest me and I want you to get back to
me with the price of each pieces listed bellow:
[name of pieces]

I want you to get back to me with the cost of  the above pieces then
we can figure out about shipping,and insurance cost
I will be awaiting,so that you can have my credit card number to run
for the payment


Rebecca Wallace
234 Rue Du Fort Sark
Postcode:GY10 1SF
United Kingdom

—- On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:06:57 -0700  matthew wrote —-

Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your interest in my artwork, and sorry about
the delay in getting back to you I have been away from my computer.

Yes shipping to the UK is fine, though unlike the old days where
wasn’t so costly I now have to check on the cost.

If you let me know some of the work, style and sizes you are
interested in I can give you a up to date selection of avail work.
Please reference some of the specific paintings from my website
[url listed]

I very much look forward to having my artwork enhance your home and

All the best,


On Jul 12, 2014, at 6:36 PM, rebecca wallace wrote:

Hi there,

I am captivating on your artwork to equip, and beautify my home town
In United Kingdom.
I don’t know, if you internationally shipped Out of your region and
Your on-line portfolio or inventory would give me more details of
available works only if you send me more details.
I will wait for your swift response.

Rebecca Wallace

234 Rue Du Fort Sark
Postcode:GY10 1SF
United Kingdom

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