Scam Email: Thanh Nguyen



i wish i had come across your site earlier! ive been working on an art sale with  a “thanh nguyen” with the email “” . i researched him, his company, the bank the check was sent from, etc. i didnt know to look up art specific check fraud, so i wasnt aware this was an ongoing problem. anyways, i stopped the process before anything could happen. heres the original message:
Hi there,my name is Thanh im an art collector from Hawaii ,was
browsing through the internet and my eyes caught this particular work
on the subject,will like to have it for my new apartment probably this
month.please let me know if the piece is available and if yes let me
have the detailed price and more information about it.kindly reply me
with your phone#.

and a few  later to discuss shipping arrangements:

“Hello,Thanks for the details which Ive noted down and have also
forwarded it to my shipper.He’s due in the US sometime next week and
will definitely be getting in touch with you for the pickup.The truth
is,i would have handled this much differently if i would be at home
but Im a bit pressed for time myself. Im moving to Cairo this month as
im being transferred.As it is, I’m sending you an overdraft which will
include my shippers fees as well.He has asked for an upfront before
coming and since I have no access to a lot of cash, Im trying to kill
two birds with a stone.So, once you’ve received and cashed the
check,deduct your funds and PLEASE help me send the remaining funds to
him(shipper).I’ll forward his contact details to you once you’ve
received the payment.Now I’m concluding you are a responsible person
and I can therefore entrust you with this arrangement.Ill let you know
Immediately the check is sent out
to you so you should be looking out for it.P.S:I`ll require that a
reconfirmation of your address is done for me now. I await your reply.”

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then this after receiving a check

“Yes you got it Rebecca,Im so glad you finally received the payment,the
payment should clear to your account within 24hours.
Below is the shipper’s information in sending the remaining fund via
Western union;

Curtis  A Westbrook
6232 Greenwood Pl
Huntsville Al 35702

Once you have the money sent, do email me all the necessary
information which will be needed for the collection of the money I.e;

Sender’s name
Amount sent after Western union charges

Once he receives the money, he will get in touch with you and set up
the best time and date with you for pick up this week.

Thanks for your help and understanding and I await your quick response.”

yikes! another to add to your list! thanks!

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