Online scams collect personal information tо uѕе fоr identity theft, gеt уоu tо cash fraudulent checks оr tо wire оr send money, and/or trick уоu іn tо pay fоr services оr supplies уоu don’t nееd оr want.
Here’s а list оf thе mоѕt common internet scams, thе vаrіоuѕ types оf online scams аnd fraud, аѕ wеll аѕ advice оn hоw tо avoid аnd report scams.
A – Z List of Top Internet Scams
- ATM Scams
- Bank Email Scams
- Cashier’s Check Scams
- Craigslist Scams
- Craigslist Writer / Research Assistant Scams
- Credit Card Email Scams
- Credit Repair Scams
- Credit Report Scams
- Data Entry Scams
- Direct Deposit Scams
- PayPal and eBay Scams
- Email Job Scams
- Employment Scams
- Entry-Level Job Scams
- Fake Job Came
- Internet Job Scams
- IRS Tax Refund Scams
- Job Scam Examples
- LinkedIn Scams
- Loan Scams
- Lottery Winner Scams
- Money Job Scams
- Money Transfer Scams
- Mystery Shopper Scams
- Nanny Scams
- Personal Assistant Scams
- Phishing Scams
- Phone Call From a Recruiter Scam
- Scam Victim Compensation Center Scam
- Shipping Scams
- Scholarship Scams
- Sweepstakes Scams
- Unemployment Scams
- Vacation Rental Scams
- Vishing Scams
- Visa Scams
- Work at Home Scams
James Adam kelvinTweet
@FrankJamesMoor1 this gentleman told me to be an American soldier in Afghanistan and after that he asked me to send money to his son because he did not have the mother at this address HERE IS MY INFORMATION YOU CAN SEND IT HERE
Name: Jamal Charles
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Folcroft
Zip code: 19032
Joanne Young
Was involved with a man named Derrick Lee Smith who was stationed in Africa. He told me he shot someone and needed money for a lawyer. I have sent him money several times. Then he needed money for flight home to me. Sent him money. His lawyer contacted me, (Thomas Marty) telling me he had been arrested for carrying cocaine across border lines for a friend and didn’t know it was in his bag. Me and mom send money. Wasn’t enough he was sent back to Africa to jail. They found the man who planted the drugs. He needed money to come home. He contacted me two days later saying he was in Jail in Asheville Police Dept NC and needed money. I didn’t give right away because I didn’t have at the moment. A month later I gave him money. He was asposed to get out and pay me the money on 5/24/18. Last I heard from him. I called and texted. Never returned my calls. I called his lawyer he said he would check into it. He never got back to me. I texted him telling him he and Derrick were scammers and God will punish them. He texted me back threatening me I will go to jail for talking to him like that. I lost a lot of money that Derrick said he would pay me back. DO NOT EVER GIVE MONEY TO A MAN IN THE MILITARY. IT”S A SCAM.