I have also been dupped from this picture on Tinder dating site. Pictures of Tim Lawson and his mum who the scammer passed of as his own. They orinate in Nigeria. Calling you sweetie and darling. Eventually asking for money for his poor child who is sick in California. Martin Hartley as he called himself is a businessman who works in oil and petroleum. His mum looks after his child in California while he works.
All the pictures are of Tim Lawson so do not fall for it.
I have also been dupped from this picture on Tinder dating site. Pictures of Tim Lawson and his mum who the scammer passed of as his own. They orinate in Nigeria. Calling you sweetie and darling. Eventually asking for money for his poor child who is sick in California. Martin Hartley as he called himself is a businessman who works in oil and petroleum. His mum looks after his child in California while he works.
All the pictures are of Tim Lawson so do not fall for it.
Uses an email address of martinharltey1965@yahoo.com. Telephone number +234 705 7761203
I feel this has been going on a while and today I notice the picture is again back on TInder.