Goes by “Barry Chapman” & “Barry Hahn”. Claims to be a doctor stationed with the US Army in Syria. Romance scammer who wants you to set-up bank accounts so he can share ill-gotten “spoils of war from Afghanistan” to pay your debts and start a life with you when he retires from the Military. https://www.linkedin.com/in/barry-c-594b9180
Goes by “Barry Chapman” & “Barry Hahn”. Claims to be a doctor stationed with the US Army in Syria. Romance scammer who wants you to set-up bank accounts so he can share ill-gotten “spoils of war from Afghanistan” to pay your debts and start a life with you when he retires from the Military.
Huha!! 2018 májusban nekem is hasonló sztorit próbált beadni Alex Bryan Andrew néven………., katonai orvos Szíriában….. Stb